3 big lessons for each year in business

This October marks the third year of Hey Mel! Communication and Training and geez, what a few years it’s been! To celebrate, we’ve packed three years of chaotic greatness into three of our top tips for making it as a small business in a big world. 

For those new to the freelancing world, or considering it, these tips and our Fresh 2 Freelancing course are exactly what we wish we knew before we went out on our own. The course specifically sets you up with the ins and outs of freelancing, and all of the nitty-gritty that you may not have thought of yet. Or, you might’ve, but you’re just hoping to get a bit more clarity.

Wherever you’re at, these three top tips are applicable, no matter the industry or the role you’re in.

  1. Never stop learning

    Things can change, and they can change quickly. Never stop learning about both your craft, and about business. Continually work at broadening your expertise, your knowledge base and your network! 

    Listen to podcasts, do extra formal learning (such as courses), read, and constantly strive to stay in the loop on the latest and greatest. In fact, ‘learn by osmosis’;  take in as much as you can and try new things as you go by experimenting and seeing what resonates, or doesn't.

  2. Build your support network

    This business gig can be tough. With impending deadlines, the behind-the-scenes admin of running your own business and the big hours, it’s absolutely crucial to have a support network that not only understands the struggle, but can work with you on it. A network of folks who understand you may have to make sacrifices for your business that others may not, including not spending as much time with some of the people you love for periods of time. 

    Plus, when you do, or when things may go awry, they’re ready to back your ambition and ideas, rather than question them. This also includes your professional network! Being part of a network of people who understand what it's like to be in your position is invaluable as they can empathise and help you navigate tough times and decisions.

  3. Be okay with being patient

    Not everything is going to happen as fast as you want. Think of a government role, and think of exactly how long processes and approvals can take. Now, double that and imagine that you have zero idea as to why it’s taking so long - yes, this is how it goes! While you may have loads of ideas, you need to be patient enough to work through them logically. 

    Furthermore, you’ll need to be patient about the amount of work coming in; remember that when you begin, your brand isn’t as established as a big corporate yet. You’ll need to do the groundwork to build the awareness of your business and ultimately, of you. That doesn’t mean you should go out and spam folks, but make sure that you spend the time initially getting in front of people with your offering - which will lead to winning the work! 

    While not every proposal you write will be a star, make sure you spend the time trying to win the work with fantastic proposals and well-executed planning - not with extensive follow-ups and borderline spam! This also applies to your ideas. Take the time to sort through them, brainstorm, test them with others, and figure out a logical sequence. Also, ask yourself, do they all align with your growth strategy or your business strategy?

From three years of HMC, we’ve got a goldmine of tips and hints on navigating the complexities of the freelancing and small business world. On top of that, a lot of these tips can easily be applied to your career inside or outside of a corporate role. That’s why we’ve collated these into bite-sized courses to help accelerate your business or career! 

Check out the new Fresh 2 Freelancing course here, or any of our courses or workshops, where you can get 30% off* to help us celebrate our third birthday!

*If you book them by the end of November this year, and they are completed by the end of May next year, 2024.

For more on nailing the fundamentals of comms, see our course!

Enrol in our new Communication Career Fundamentals online course! This six-module, online course will give you all the practical skills and knowledge you need to improve your chances of scoring that dream role, including a lesson on digital accessibility! Find out more about this course here.


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