So you want to start a business?

If you googled ‘how do I start a business?’ know that you are not alone!

My name’s Mel, the founder of Hey Mel! Communication & Training. And I’m not just a comms person … I’m also a small business owner and it’s been quite the journey!

I know what it’s like to spend years working for others and having that gut feel that you could - and should - go out on your own. I was never cut out for the corporate life (even though I was amongst it for almost 20 years), and I could see the quality of the work my team and I were achieving and it was so much better than some of the big consultancies that were being paid a motza to come in and do work for us!

So I did it - I took the plunge. And let me tell you, I had no idea what I was doing. I had never worked in an agency - just dabbled in a bit of freelancing once in a while. And I’d certainly never run a business!

Everything I now know I learned by reaching out to others who were already on the journey and exchanged coffee for their knowledge. I also joined networking groups, signed up to a bunch of learning things, and - of course - learned from my own stupid mistakes!

I’m now the person who gets approached by friends and colleagues who are thinking about going out on their own, and they want my advice and insights. Over all the coffee meetings and Zoom calls, I’ve realised there is a checklist in my head that I think everyone should have when they’re considering starting their own business…

Get my checklists!

5 fun things and 5 boring things to consider before starting your business!

I’ve put together two checklists for new business owners or those thinking of starting their own business - the five fun things and the five boring things I think you should consider. The lists draw on my own experiences in starting a business from scratch, and some valuable lessons learned!

So if you’re considering freelancing, consulting, or building a bricks-and-mortar business or brand, or anything in between, I think you’ll find these really helpful!

And I’d love to hear your stories - where are you at in your business owner journey? Are these checklists helpful? Is there anything else that’s critical that you think I’m missing? Shoot me an email because I’m always happy to chat!