An EPIC approach to Change Communication

The HMC EPIC change communication framework

At HMC, we believe change communication shouldn’t be hard. With a simple process to follow, a set of tools, and core guiding principles, change communication can be done well by anyone, in an organisation, of any size.

That’s why we’ve pooled our collective experience and developed the EPIC Change Communication Framework. It’s our unique approach to change communication that we use with every client we work with. It’s a proven formula that works for change of any size and scope.

So what exactly is it?

EPIC stands for Evaluate, Position, Implement, and Check. They’re four key milestones along the change communication journey. The framework consists of three core elements:

  1. A process to follow, with activities within each step to complete

  2. A set of tools and templates to use along the way

  3. A set of guiding principles to apply to each deliverable.

We know it works. Every one of our consultants uses the framework with our clients with great success. Not only does it help us deliver what they need, but it helps our clients to easily understand the journey we’ll be travelling together.

A change communication framework - images shows concentric circles outlining the principles, processes, and outcomes of the framework

Are you a change friend or foe?

Everyone responds to change differently, which is okay - we need different points of view on every team!

But how do you respond to change? Take our quick quiz and find out!

A hand-drawn cartoon image of four people in various poses, representing different responses to change. The hand-drawn lettering reads: 'Change friend or foe?'


Mel’s new book!

Change Isn’t Hard: A practical playbook for people-centred change communication

Practical framework + behavioural science

This book is for the communication pros, leaders, change managers, project managers, and anyone who’s just curious about communicating better in a world where ‘change is the new normal’ at work!

You’ll learn all the steps of the EPIC process, and in the bonus chapter, you’ll find 10 advanced techniques to influence people through your comms, backed by behavioural science.

Can I use the EPIC framework in my business?

We would love to see more people use it! To do that, first you need to learn all about it. We offer training for comms, change and project practitioners who want access to the framework and want to use it in their businesses.

Find out how you can learn more about the EPIC Change Communication Framework

 If you’re interested in training for yourself or your colleagues, please get in touch by filling out the form, or booking in a call, so we can discuss what you need.

Change communication resources

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