How do your leadership communication skills rate?

Take our HMC Leadership Communication Skills (c) quiz to find out how your skills rate, and what you can do to keep improving!

Great leaders know that communication skills are key to earning the respect of their team, their colleagues, and their industry peers.

But make no mistake about it - effective leadership communication doesn’t come naturally! It’s a skill set we need to practice and continuously improve all the time. But how do you know what to work on?

Well friend, you’re in luck - our Leadership Communication Skills test covers off the key elements of effective leadership communication, and is designed to give you insights into what’s working well, and where you can improve.

And a big part of becoming and being a great leader is being comfortable with knowing that you don’t know it all, seeking feedback, and investing energy in continous improvement.

So get started now! Take the quiz … and perhaps even ask some of your team members to take the quiz on your behalf! You might be surprised by what they say…

A few things to know about this quiz…

We’ve built this quiz based on the key skills and attributes leaders need to become effective communicators. These are the skills and attributes we’ve seen great leaders build in organisations of all shapes and sizes in our 20-plus years in strategic communication. They are the elements of effective leadership communication that we focus on when coaching leaders, whether they’ve been a leader for five years or five minutes!

When you take the quiz…

  • Take the quiz with the perspectives of your team in mind - be honest! How would they respond to these questions if they were answering them about you?

  • Go with your first instinct. When you look at some of the responses, you might think ‘oh, I could be both of those’. But it’s likely your gut feel is that you’re more one than the other, more often than not.