How to write your personal elevator pitch

There comes a time when you have to explain to someone why they should choose you. Whether that’s a prospective employer or client, you won’t have long to explain what it is you do and the value you can add.

Your personal elevator pitch is a quick way to give people a sense of who you are and why they should consider you. It’s also a great start for your LinkedIn profile! 

Here’s how to get it started.

  1. Who do you help?

    Who benefits from your expertise, knowledge and skills? This could be leaders, team members, customers, shareholders, or business owners, to name a few. If you’re in childcare, perhaps it’s children and families, for example. If you work in a trade, maybe you help home owners, car owners, or small businesses.

  2. What do you help them achieve?

    Think about the value you add, or what your client or customer achieves as a result of your actions, services or products. What benefit do they get from working with you, or buying your product? This is where you can show how you make a difference, or how you meet a specific need of your end users.

  3. How do you do it?

    This is where you can bring in your strengths and expertise. What is it specifically about you and your skills that helps others get what they need? If there’s something really unique about how you do what you do, now is the time to show that.

  4. What makes you stand out?

    At the end of your offering, it’s important to note what makes you stand out in a crowd. For example, are you offering a great service… in a specifically quick way? Or perhaps you are known best for your ability to teach across varying audiences. This is the time to clarify how you do, what you do, in a way that is desirable at a cut above the rest!

Once you’ve answered these questions, put it together in a simple statement:

“I help <<end user>> to <<achieve…>> by <<how>> and <<stand out skills>>.”

For example, in our business, we could say: “We help leaders and team members to drive change and improve relationships by building practical communication skills, quickly and efficiently.”

Your elevator pitch should strongly align to your personal brand. Read our article here for tips on getting clear on your personal brand.

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