How to reach a mobile or non-wired workforce

So many people are now working in hybrid, completely remote, or mobile workplaces. Whether that means you’re on the road a lot, in a classroom instead of an office, or working from home, it all presents challenges with meaningful communication. Here’s some ideas on how you can reach your mobile or unwired team members.

Messaging apps

Messaging apps can be a great way to have ‘live’ connection with your team. There’s a huge range of them out there - Messenger, WhatsApp, Dischord, Telegram… the key is to pick one that people are likely to use or are already using! If you try and introduce a new channel that nobody is familiar with, they’re less likely to use it. They’ve already got enough to keep on top of!

Private podcasts

A private podcast feed is a great way to reach people who commute to and from work or who are on the road a lot for their jobs. They can listen as they go about their business, at a time and place that works for them. Make sure you keep the bulletins short, and complement the podcast with a two-way channel like an internal social media channel.

Internal social media

Speaking of which, if your company has an internal social media channel like Yammer or Slack, they can be great tools to keep in touch with your team. You can set up a private group, and most of these platforms are mobile friendly or have an app version, so they’re available on the user’s own device.

You could also consider an external social media platform, like a Facebook group, if that’s where the majority of your people are already meeting online and if your company’s IT security allows it.

Via team leaders

Team leaders hold a lot of sway with their teams, and typically meet regularly with their teams, so why not tap them on the shoulder to pass on messages? Provide speaking points or a quick bulletin they can share with their teams, in the way that works best for them.

Old-school paper-based comms

Be aware that posters quickly become white noise, but a paper-based notice on the lunch room table or behind the toilet door can work a treat if updated regularly! Make sure they look a little different each time (eg, a different image or swap some colours around), so they stand out as a new addition.

Most importantly … visit them!

Particularly for leaders, nothing beats a team visit! Get out to site, attend the toolbox talks or the team meetings, and really listen to what people are saying. Ask questions, share updates and how they’re relevant to that group, and build your profile as a leader.


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