5 communication skills every leader needs

We often hear that one of the key skills leaders need to master is ‘communication’. But what do we actually mean by that? It’s a broad term that can apply to any professional in any role. 

The HMC team has coached leaders in communication skills for many years, and there’s particular elements of communication that are specific to leadership roles. Here’s our top five communication skills leaders should master. 


Leaders need to have the ability to translate organisational strategy and group-wide key messages into positioning that’s meaningful for their teams. It takes work to break these strategies down and understand exactly what this means for their teams’ unique contexts, and then how that is positioned.


Authenticity comes about from a genuine desire to connect with people through communication. It relies on genuine tone and language, empathy, and a sense of vulnerability (within boundaries). They aren’t afraid for their personality to shine through. People see through disingenuous communication, which is usually full of jargon, lacks empathy and emotion, and isn’t clear or to the point. And when you aren’t authentic, you lose the trust of your audience.

Balance brevity with tone

Leaders know they need to be succinct, but they do this in a way that doesn’t compromise tone. So instead of coming across as abrupt or cold, they’re coming across as clear and approachable. 

Deep listening

Leaders who have mastered communication know it is a two-way street. They demonstrate deep listening skills by allowing space for people to speak without jumping straight to ‘solution mode’. And they paraphrase back to not only check they’ve heard the person correctly, but to show they’ve been listening.


Leaders are respectful in their communication, which comes across in the ways such as:

  • How they approach sensitive topics, particularly where privacy is concerned

  • How much of their people’s time they take up with written and verbal communication

  • How quickly they share new or pertinent information

  • How they show respect for different cultures

  • How they tailor their messages and ensure they’re actually relevant.


What’s your communication personality type?

Find out by taking the free HMC Communication Personality Type Quiz here! You’ll learn more about your communication preferences, and how to communicate more effectively with other personality types.

Does your team need some support in building their communication skills?

We can help! Check out our communication training here! From business writing and communication skills, to crisis communication and leadership communication skills, we have you covered.

Want some FREE tools to help you level up your communication practices?

Of course you do! Sign up to our 12-Month Communications Toolkit and each month you’ll receive a free template, tool or tips to support your communications!


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