How to get started using video in your comms

If you use any form of social media, or the internet… or really, you exist on this Earth, you’d have witnessed or consumed video as a form of media at some point in time. That’s because video has become a critical tool in content creation, advertising and communication in order to create a lasting impression on your audience.

Gloria Mark, a professor of informatics noted the average attention span on a screen has decreased by 103 seconds between 2004 and 2023. Meaning your audience, regardless of demographics, is significantly less likely to stay and read content, especially if they’re a visual learner!

It’s clear video needs to be a part of your channel mix, which is why we’ve collated some of the key ways you could start using video to elevate your communications.

  1. Be authentic

    Try not to over-do it. Consumers and audiences are less likely to engage with marketed content, or “generic and obvious” advertising. If you’re trying to communicate a message via video, keep it authentic - you don’t need to be perfect! Authenticity builds trust and connection, so start by simply looking into some topics in your business or part of your message that you know a lot about, and try to explain it conversationally.

  2. Master the basics

    In line with keeping it authentic, try to ensure your content isn’t ‘robotic’. Start by getting used to the camera in your face with video journaling and sending video messages to friends instead of a text. You could also try using the story features on social media to practice and gradually become comfortable in front of the camera. This way, you’ll become a natural in front of the camera, whilst getting the hang of using your equipment. As they say, practice makes perfect!

  3. Plan and strategise

    Before diving into video creation, identify the purpose and strategic goals behind it. Figure out why you’re making the particular video, what it’s purpose is (i.e. is it to educate people on a topic, or is it to deliver news?), and how it aligns with your brand and business objectives. Make sure to consider the customer journey and that the content you’re making actually adds value to your audience. The last thing you want is to create a long, expensive and time-consuming video that no one watches! 

4. Don’t go fancy… unless you want to

Not every video needs a professional touch. Nearly every reel, TikTok or video on social media is recorded using a smartphone! You can do the same, with some practice and handy tips and tricks. Your smartphone can be used for everyday operations, like answering FAQs, filming onboarding instructions, or even showcasing your workplace culture. All you’d need is a Gymbal!

That said, professional video production is valuable for first impressions, such as on your website or in formal communications (such as the delivery of end of year results). Regardless of your equipment though, you’ll need to focus on having a good audio background (i.e. quiet!) and you’ll also need to understand basic lighting principles. High-quality audio can compensate for less-than-perfect visuals, but poor audio can deter viewers, regardless of how good the video looks.

5. Look into AI

Now, AI seems like the absolute opposite of keeping things authentic. However, it’s not! AI is not a replacement for human creativity, but it can help to streamline some of the nitty gritty processes, such as editing and optimising video content. For example, you can use specific AI tools to identify the most SEO-likely snip of your long podcast, to then create a short Instagram friendly reel out of - that saves you hours!

Video is an incredibly powerful communication tool that can elevate your communications and messaging regardless of your role. So… start small, keep it authentic, and leverage video content to connect with your audiences. As technology advances, stay open to incorporating AI tools and you'll be well on your way to some of the best video content out there. 

Learn more about the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in comms!

Listen to podcast episode 21, where we shared six ways you can use these tools to boost productivity and reduce time spent on tedious work, particularly if you're a resource-poor comms team!


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