Why corporate communication is important

Corporate communications can have a big, positive impact on any organisation. It goes beyond the exchange of information and plays a pivotal role in shaping organisational culture, employee morale, reputation, brand awareness, and overall business success.

But not every organisation sees the value communications can bring, which is why it’s imperative we can clearly articulate it ourselves!

That’s why we’ve pulled together five key ways corporate comms adds value to a business, to make it easy for everyone to talk about.

1. Enhances effectiveness for everyone

Clear and transparent communication channels foster a collaborative work environment, reduce misunderstandings, and promote a shared understanding of organisational goals. Also, effective corporate communication helps everyone see a line of sight between what they do every day, and the purpose of the organisation. When people have that clarity, their engagement, performance and productivity improves. Read this McKinsey article for some great in-depth info on this topic.

2. Culture building

Corporate communication is instrumental in shaping and sustaining organisational culture. It influences how employees perceive the values, vision, and mission of a company. In fact, the Journal of Business Communication, highlighted that a “well-defined and consistently communicated organisational culture fosters a sense of belonging among employees and aligns them with the company's long-term objectives”.

3. Engagement and morale

Engaged employees are happy employees, and happy employees are productive. So, how is it then that boosting engagement and morale is often overlooked as a key driver for the importance behind corporate comms? Open lines of communication provide a platform for employees to express their ideas, concerns, and feedback, making them feel valued - which leads to increased job satisfaction, commitment and ultimately, pride in their role, output and company.

4. Crisis management

If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that crisis management is absolutely crucial in every single organisation. This key function is often owned and executed by corporate communications, and the ability to convey timely and accurate information - with empathy - can be the difference in how well an organisation navigates the reputation risks of a crises.

5. Stakeholder management

Maintaining positive relationships with stakeholders is crucial for the long-term success of any business. Corporate communication serves as the bridge between the organisation and its stakeholders, be it customers, investors, or partners. Clear and transparent communication builds trust, fosters goodwill, and enhances the organisation's credibility in the eyes of its stakeholders.

Regardless of which way you want to slice it, or which key parts of corporate comms you want to focus on, the importance of corporate communication cannot be overstated. It is a dynamic force that influences various aspects of a company, from internal operations to external relations. In fact, as we progress into AI and dynamic computer reliance, it’s more important than ever to invest in effective corporate communication strategies for the sustained success, growth and mitigation of disasters of any business.


Five ways to improve your communication


How comms professionals show our value to people who don’t know what we do