Top 5 tips for making and maintaining a great website

In the world of business, a compelling and user-friendly website is your digital storefront. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting, the significance of a well-designed website can’t be overstated. That’s why we’ve dived into some of the valuable insights shared by Jessica Panozzo, owner of Feel Good Creative, in Episode 35 of our Less Chatter, More Matter podcast, about the key elements of making and maintaing a great website.

1. Clarity is key

One of the common pitfalls in website design is failing to strike the right balance between too much and too little information. Your homepage should be a concise introduction, offering visitors a snapshot of who you are and what you do without requiring them to scroll endlessly. Use clear, engaging and plain language to communicate your brand message - get rid of the jargon! It’s important to promptly address any key questions you believe your audience may have (i.e. where you’re located, or how to get in touch) to build trust and keep visitors interested.

2. Tell your story, uniquely

Your brand is not just about colours and fonts; it's about how you present yourself. Be sure to use professional photography, distinct imagery, and well-crafted copy to create a cohesive brand identity. A well-thought-out brand experience on your website can convey trust, uniqueness, and professionalism. Ensure your website reflects the positive experience clients can expect when working with you - and that the way to work with you is clearly outlined in your story so it takes fewer clicks to engage your customers.

3. Showcase your success

Highlighting testimonials, client logos, or press features on your homepage can provide valuable social proof. Visitors are reassured when they see the positive experiences others have had with your products or services. By incorporating elements of credibility, you instil confidence and increase the likelihood of conversions. Make sure to strategically place these testimonials and ‘social proof’ on your website in a way that is easy to find - for example, don’t go hiding the testimonials in your contact section at the bottom!

4. Guide your visitors

Every website is different, so make sure you guide your visitors toward desired actions through strategically placed calls to action (CTAs). Whether it's booking a call, subscribing to a newsletter, or making a purchase, CTAs should be clear, compelling, and easy to find. Try using multiple CTAs throughout your site, ensuring they seamlessly blend into the overall design while encouraging user interaction. Don’t just use “click here”! Give it a reasonable and logical action, like ‘book a free call’ or ‘order now’.

5. DIY vs. professional design

For those on a budget, consider using user-friendly website builders like Squarespace or Wix and look for industry-specific templates. If resources permit, invest in a professional designer, even for a one-page website. It can provide a polished and effective online presence without needing to go over the budget!

Building and maintaining a great website requires a thoughtful approach, but it’s not the be all and end all! You can create a digital space that not only represents your brand effectively but also engages and converts visitors into satisfied clients without breaking the bank. Remember, your website is your 24/7 marketing assistant—make it work for you!

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