Planning your communications for 2024

As we approach the end of 2023, many teams will be thinking ahead to the next 12 months and planning to achieve new goals.

To be well-prepared for the year ahead, you need to first reflect on the year that’s been - what worked well over the last 12 months, what surprised you, what didn’t work that you learned from?

After reflection, it’s time to get stuck into developing your strategy and plan! To help you do that, we’ve got five big questions to ask (and a free template).

  1. Are the business goals remaining the same, or do you need to pivot?

    Corporate communication strategies should always be aligned to business goals. That’s how we demonstrate the value we add to a business. 

    When thinking about the year ahead, start with doing a quick audit on your contribution to the previous year’s business goals. 

    Then, if you know those some or all of those goals are changing for the next 12 months, it’s time to strategise about how you and your team will use your communication expertise to contribute to the achievement of the new goals.

  2. What are the opportunities for 2024?

    Do some research to figure out what some of the opportunities could be for your team, your business, and your sector. For example, are there technology changes coming that could benefit the way you work? Are there changes in the sector like new legislation or funding that can provide opportunities for positive public relations activity?

    When thinking about opportunities, it pays to also look back at any trends that emerged the previous year, that might carry over to the next. Those trends can provide opportunities to get ahead of the competition, or to innovate and be more creative.

  3. What are the potential challenges for 2024?

    Challenges are often roadblocks that might get in the way of your progress toward business, team, and personal goals. Having an eye on these potential challenges means you’ll be well prepared, and you may even be able to turn them into opportunities.

    Challenges could be anything from organisational restructures or a reduction in funding, through to planned public inquiries, natural disasters, new competitors, and more.

    When you collate a list of those potential challenges, think about the likelihood of them occurring and the impact if they did (essentially, a risk assessment). Then, prioritise those that would be most likely to happen and have the biggest impact, and plan to put in place strategies to mitigate or soften the impact.

  4. What are the ‘big events’ you need to factor in?

    Big events can be opportunities and challenges - but they should be scheduled into your plan if they support business goals. 

    Internally, events could include a business anniversary, annual general meeting, half- and full-year results, conferences, or recognition days like R U OK? Day. These might support goals like improving employee engagement, or shareholder sentiment, for example.

    External events can include things like state or federal elections, public inquiries, or sector-wide conferences. These can support business goals based around advocacy, reputation management, and thought leadership.

  5. What skills or knowledge might your team need to build?

    Communications and the world we operate in are ever-changing, so we need to evolve with it. To achieve your goals for 2024, what do you need to learn? For example, you may need to build your knowledge and skills in using artificial intelligence, project or change management, or crisis response. 

    Mapping out the skills required to achieve your 2024 goals will also help individuals and teams develop a meaningful learning and development plan - a win win!

Do you want the free template to plan your communications in 2024?

We’ve done the hard yards for you and completed an easy step-by-step template that’ll make your comms planning a breeze. To get access, for free, click here.


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