What you need to know about thought leadership

Thought leadership is essentially today’s jargon for getting experts in your company to talk on trends, impacts and issues in your industry, business or around the world. For example, a thought leadership piece may be asking the head of Risk and Compliance in your business to talk to the risks of a specific issue in your industry. However, it’s not as simple as throwing a problem at a random executive and asking them to livestream a chat - it needs to be linked to your strategic communication and business goals.

That’s why we’ve gone into the what, why and how of thought leadership alongside how you can leverage it effectively in your communication strategy.

Firstly, what is thought leadership?

Thought leadership is more than just expertise; it's the articulation of ideas that showcase your deep understanding and passion for a particular field or topic. It's about sharing knowledge generously to benefit not only yourself but also your organisation or cause.

While your CEO Joe Bloggs may not be the legendary visionary that Steve Jobs was, you can rest assured there are experts in your midst in the form of individuals who can be nurtured into thought leaders - providing you give them some guidance. They can then prove to be a valuable asset for both your internal and external communication strategies.

Secondly, what good is it?

Now, why bother with thought leadership? The benefits await:

  • Influence: Thought leaders command influence, becoming trusted sources of information and insight within their industry.

  • Brand Building: Thought leadership enhances both individual and organisational brands, increasing visibility and credibility.

  • Credibility: Establishing expertise lends credibility to your organisation and its representatives.

  • Focus: Thought leadership guides strategic communication efforts, ensuring alignment with organisational goals.

  • Innovation: Thought leaders inspire innovation and forward-thinking within their sphere of influence.

Thirdly, where do you start?

So, how do you harness thought leadership for strategic communication? Let's break it down into four actionable steps:

  • Identify key issues: Start by pinpointing one to three critical issues relevant to your organisation or industry.

  • Craft position statements: Develop clear, concise statements that articulate your stance on each issue, supported by evidence and a call to action.

  • Select thought leaders: Identify individuals within your organisation who possess the requisite expertise, experience, reputation, and communication skills.

  • Plan and deliver: Tailor your communication tactics to reach target audiences effectively, leveraging channels like social media, industry events, and traditional media.

Click here to access a simple thought leadership framework to get you started.

Remember, effective thought leadership requires ongoing refinement and measurement. You need your thought leaders to not only trust you and your guidance, but to collaborate with you so you can provide the support and guidance they need to excel while achieving the strategic goals you had in mind.

Integrating thought leadership into your communication strategy can be a game-changer as it helps to align your messaging with organisational goals while enhancing the leader’s (and your) credibility and influence. Whether you're advocating for change, driving innovation, or building brand recognition, thought leadership empowers you to make a meaningful impact… or to drive your business forward.

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