5 ways you can help your audience remember what you’re trying to communicate

Whether you're trying to pitch an idea to your team or engage your audience, grabbing the attention of your audience is the key way to making sure you’re cutting through the noise of social media, distractions and shortened attention spans. Which is why we’ve got 5 ways you can help your audience not only remember what it is you’re trying to convey, but have them resonate with it as well.

  1. Know your audience… well!

    Understanding your audience is paramount because how else would you be able to tailor your comms to their preferences and interests? A key part of any effective piece of communication is being able to target the people who need the messaging most. You’ll need to consider their communication styles, cultural backgrounds, and what matters most to them. Building rapport and demonstrating how your message aligns with their goals or challenges can also significantly increase engagement and how much cut through your messaging gets!

  2. Grab their attention fast and keep it short.
    In a world bombarded with emails and information overload, capturing attention quickly is key! You can do this by crafting compelling subject lines and opening sentences that are sure to entice your audience to continue reading or listening. Remember, brevity is key. Keep your content concise and to the point to maintain engagement… plus, we all love a good short, sharp and shiny message!

  3. Make it easy.
    We are only human… and unfortunately, humans are habitual skim-readers. Structuring your content logically and using formatting techniques like bullet points, subheadings, and visuals can aid comprehension and retention. Simplify complex ideas and data to ensure accessibility for all audience members; plus no one likes a difficult to comprehend concept!

  4. Keep it simple!
    Complexity can be a barrier to effective communication. Avoid jargon and use clear, straightforward language that resonates with your audience. Explain concepts in relatable terms and focus on delivering the core message without unnecessary complexity. No one needs you to use words that take half the time pronouncing!

  5. Try reframing.
    Reframing your message can significantly impact how it's perceived; for example, by highlighting the positive aspects or presenting information in a different context, you can make it more compelling and relevant for your audience. By understanding how framing influences decision-making, you can tailor your message to maximise impact.

Effective communication is a skill that can be honed over time but it only gets better with clarity, relevance, and engagement - so make sure your message stands out by doing these five things!

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