What is improv and how can it help your comms?

Today, we're diving into the exciting world of improv. You might wonder, what does improv (improvisational comedy) have to do with communications? Great question! Improv is a fantastic tool for honing the ability to think quickly and speak coherently on the spot—an invaluable communication skill.

Improv is more than just a form of entertainment. It's a skill that sharpens your ability to think on your feet and maintain coherent, engaging dialogue without a script. This skill is crucial in various settings, whether you're making a first impression, engaging in spontaneous conversations, or networking.

The key crossovers

Improv fosters collaboration and acceptance of diverse ideas - but it also teaches you how to think quickly in a variety of ways, like:

  1. Getting creative with failure

    Improv teaches you to embrace failure in a way that is productive - in fact, this mindset shift is crucial in the comms world because a fear of failure often hampers creativity and progress, which is often where your most engaging comms work lives.

  2. “Yes, And…”

    A fundamental improv principle is "Yes, And...", which is where you accept what your partner says (Yes) and build on it (And). This technique might seem simple in theory, but it enhances collaboration, listening skills, and creative problem-solving, making it invaluable in a professional setting.

  3. Snappy, but creative 

    Improv helps you develop quick thinking and creativity. It trains your brain to generate ideas spontaneously, improving your ability to handle unexpected situations with confidence - much like crisis comms! It also improves your ability to be clear and to speak with brevity, while engaging an audience.

  4. Public speaking with confidence

    As comms pros, we know that comms is often not just sitting in a dark corner, writing away on our laptops. Regular improv boosts your confidence in your public speaking abilities, meaning you’ll get more comfortable with uncertainty and perform better under pressure!

How can I apply these skills to comms?

The next part is where you can apply these newly found skills to a professional setting. For example:

  1. Actively listening

    Improv helps build your ability to listen to understand - not just to respond. As a result, you improve your ability to engage in meaningful conversations and draw out the key information you need from a stakeholder. This also helps you get clearer on the message you want to convey.

  2. Adapting

    Improvise. Overcome. Adapt - Bear Grylls really had this saying downpat, and when it comes to improv, improvising and adapting is key, which also helps us handle the unexpected in comms.

How to get started?

If you want to give improv a try, but you’re nervous, just remember that many people start without any performing arts background. The key is to take the plunge and join a class. Most improv schools create a fun, supportive environment where learning feels like play. Watching improv shows, whether good or bad, also helps you understand what works and what doesn't.

Improv is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your communication skills. Whether you're in a corporate setting, networking event, or everyday conversation, the skills you gain from improv will serve you well.

Remember: Communication is an art, and like any art, it requires practice and a willingness to embrace the unexpected. So why not give improv a try? You might be surprised at how much it can improve your communication skills and overall confidence.


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