3 key things communications professionals need to know about data

Data is, and always has been, everywhere. And with the continuing evolution of the digital age, data has become commonplace in literally everything we do. With the staggering amount of data created, captured, and consumed—projected to reach 181 zettabytes by 2025—it's becoming more obvious just how crucial it is for every professional, including communicators, to understand and leverage data in it’s every form. So, with that in mind, we’ve collated the top three things you need to know about data to stay ahead of the crowd.

1. What is data and where do you find it?

Often referred to as the "breadcrumbs of human activity", data is quite literally generated by everything we do… or don’t do. For example, when you click “add to cart” on a website, but don’t end up purchasing the product and momentarily receive an email reminder of what you’ve left behind in your cart? Yep, that’s data - the generation of which is caused by various processes and events, and exists in different forms within an organisation. For communicators, this includes customer interactions, employee activities, social media engagement, and more.

So, what does that mean?

  • Data is everywhere: From website analytics to customer feedback and internal surveys, data is omnipresent. Identifying and understanding these sources is the first step to effectively using data.

  • Context is key: Raw data on its own can be (and mostly is) meaningless. It’s essential to understand the context in which data was created to interpret it accurately.

  • Think visual: Think of data as pieces of a puzzle. Just like paleontologists piece together fossils to understand dinosaurs, communicators must piece together data points to get a complete picture.

2. Know your data, your insights and your audience

Data is not just for tech folks; it's a powerful way for communicators to craft more targeted and effective messages.

Okay, then what?

  • Drive decisions with data: Use data to back up your strategies. For example, web analytics can show which content resonates most with your audience, helping you tailor your messages accordingly - don’t shoot blindly in the dark!

  • Personalise to your audience: As usual, we’re big on personalising here in the comms world. Make sure you leverage your data to personalise your comms; if you look at what works in the data, use that to back up future strategies on changing your comms to fit. It’ll improve your engagement and relevance, as people are more likely to respond to content that feels tailored to them.

  • Measure and optimise: Track the success of your campaigns using the very data you used to start them! Data is all about continual iterations - find out and understand what works and what doesn’t, and keep on improving.

Effective use of data allows communicators to move beyond guesswork, making decisions based on solid evidence and insights.

3. Leverage what you have 

Working with data comes with its own set of challenges, such as data quality issues and technical barriers. However, modern tools and AI can help mitigate these problems.

Well, what can help?

  • Data quality: Make sure you use complete and accurate data. Incomplete data can lead to incorrect assumptions, so it's important to work with your IT team to capture the necessary information.

  • AI and automation: Tools like ChatGPT and Google Analytics aren’t just for the mostly inaccurate written word! You can use these tools to simplify data analysis, through helping collect, process, and interpret data without needing advanced technical skills.

  • Visual communication: A lot of people are visual learners… plus, who doesn’t love a well-put-together graph? Try to make complex data more understandable by using visuals like charts and graphs to help convey your message more effectively to your audience.

Embracing AI and modern data tools can make the process of data analysis more accessible, allowing communicators to focus on strategy and execution.

For communications professionals, understanding and leveraging data is no longer optional—it's essential. By knowing where to find data, using it to inform your strategies, and overcoming challenges with the help of AI tools, you can stay ahead in the competitive landscape.


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