
Short, snappy articles full of practical communication tips and insights.

Melanie Loy Melanie Loy

Top tips for writing change messaging

Many professionals are tasked with communicating change within their organisation; whether they’re comms pros or not. And crafting effective messaging is crucial to getting change across the line. So, we’ve shared the top tips for writing impactful change messages that resonate with your audience and inspire action… without the jargon.

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Melanie Loy Melanie Loy

Communicating change to your teams as a leader

We’re here to help you improve your communication with your teams to make it more effective. We recently chatted with Prina Shah, a leadership and culture coach and host of the Ways to Change the Workplace podcast. Prina shared her framework for leadership communication, which is a practical tool comprising five levels of leadership comms.

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Change, Audiences Melanie Loy Change, Audiences Melanie Loy

Understanding how people respond to change

We’ve all heard that ‘change is the one constant’, and it’s not wrong! We’re now working in a ‘change as usual’ environment, and no organisation is immune. Which is why we've laid out the many ways you can tailor your communication to meet the needs of our four change persona types right here!

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Change Melanie Loy Change Melanie Loy

Top ideas for communicating change

Change is inescapable in a world of innovation, and with it, comes the need to communicate. So then, what is the best way to communicate your change and how would you go about it? We’ve got some helpful hints on how to communicate change!

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Change Melanie Loy Change Melanie Loy

An EPIC system for communicating change

If your business is going through change - or is about to - communication is one of the most critical tools in your toolkit. But how do you do it well? Here’s a quick overview of our change communication framework to get you started.

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Change Melanie Loy Change Melanie Loy

How to write a change communication plan

Writing a communication plan for change takes a different approach to writing a comms plan for a campaign or operational matters. Here’s our guide to writing a change communication plan that helps you get what you need!

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Change Melanie Loy Change Melanie Loy

How to write compelling key messages for change

How you position your change can make all the difference in your audience’s first impressions of what’s to come. So when it comes time to draft your key messages, you need to think beyond the facts … to what you want people to FEEL about the facts!

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Change Melanie Loy Change Melanie Loy

How to communicate people change thoughtfully

When it comes to change involving people - particularly restructures - there is another level of care we need to take with our communication. Here’s our top tips on communicating people change to help protect your organisation’s reputation, inside and out.

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