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5 traits you’ll need in a comms career to complement your practical skills
While there are core practical skills you need to hit the ground running there are other skills, or traits, you’ll need to successfully navigate the comms pro world. So, we’ve listed five of them out for you!
5 practical skills every comms professional needs
If you’re new to the communication profession, you’ll find it can be a competitive place! But if you can demonstrate you have the practical skills to hit the ground running, you’ll have a head start on most other candidates. Here are the top five practical skills you’ll need!
The power of connected communication
The power of connected communications sits behind the purpose of an organisation, and how we communicate that. Follow our top tips to ensure your comms resonate and drive a strategic purpose!
How to meet the needs of introverted personalities in your comms
When it comes to communication - particularly verbal communication - knowing your audience and their preferences and tendencies is key to getting cut through. That means working to meet the needs of the introverted personalities, too!
RISMA - how it could help at your end of year review
We’ve come up with a five-step story framework called RISMA that will help you organise a story in a logical flow, and make sure the story really sells you - especially for your end of year reviews. RISMA stands for Results, Issue, Solution, Methodology, and Alignment. Here’s how it works.
When you should and shouldn’t personalise your communication
Sometimes personalising communication increases the risk of you getting something wrong, and damaging your credibility. Here’s our tips on when to simplify your comms, while meeting those personalisation needs.
Why communicators need to get friendly with data!
Why do communicators need to care about data? Because it’s more important now than it ever has been before! Read on for three reasons why communicators need to get friendly with data.
5 effective ways to leverage AI for enhanced communication
Communication professionals who don’t learn how to incorporate AI into their practice will be left behind. Here’s five ways you can start to use AI … gently!
Types of strategic stories
Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools you can have in your communication toolbox! In this blog, we share four types of strategic stories you can use in your business.
How to measure internal communications
Here’s a few of our tips for how to get started in measuring your work, and demonstrating your value.
How to write key messages that actually cut through
Getting your key messages right is critical to the success of your communication. Here’s our five top tips for writing key messages that actually cut through!
5 top tips for impactful PR writing for media
If you’re new to Public Relations (PR) or writing for media, these top tips will help you get on the right track!
Great corporate comms teams are as easy as ABC
What makes a great, modern corporate communication team? It’s really as simple as ABC - these teams are Adaptable, have valuable Business Acumen, and oodles of Creativity!
How to communicate data so people actually understand it
How do you communicate data in a way that ensures people understand why you think it is so valuable? Here’s a few of our top tips.
Top tips for editing and proofing
Whether you’re a gun proof reader or you’re new to the game, there are things everyone can do to make sure your communication hits the mark. Here’s our top tips for proofing and editing.
5 top tips for writing for fundraising
Writing for fundraising has a lot in common with a lot of other styles of communication. But there are also a few unique elements to keep that don’t always come naturally to writers who have started out in other industries.
5 internal comms documents every organisation should have
When setting up your internal communication function, documents that provide guidelines around what to do and when, and spell out roles and responsibilities, will form the foundation for a well-run internal comms function.
5 key things you need in your company’s style guide
Learn the key elements that should be included in your company’s writing style guide to make it easy for everyone to speak your language!
The 4 C’s of good communication
Not all of us are naturally good communicators, particularly in the written word. The good part is that you can do a few simple things to improve your communication effectiveness.
How to make your writing more concise
Being able to write concisely, without losing a professional and approachable tone, can take a bit of practice